True I-frican (I freak can)Sisterhood and brotherhood re-choirs Sex, if sexual gestures are not naturell between men and women, their is a force called Materialism, Now let us decend back unto thee beginning, wee have not been given books, wee liveth in thee village a garden of iden, Wee are naked, what else wood wee know ixcept how, too perfom thee acts in which brought us untoo this mother land, Sex. Selassie I
Thou shalt not pierce thy body menen
True I-frican (I freak can)Sisterhood and brotherhood re-choirs Sex, if sexual gestures are not naturell between men and women, their is a force called Materialism, Now let us decend back unto thee beginning, wee have not been given books, wee liveth in thee village a garden of iden, Wee are naked, what else wood wee know ixcept how, too perfom thee acts in which brought us untoo this mother land, Sex. Selassie I
Thou shalt not pierce thy body menen